Херренкимзее (10 августа)

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for 2 testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

Малая игровая галерея на снимке внизу дает лишь очень приблизительное представление об интерьерах дворца

К сожалению, из-за категорического запрета фотосъемки (как и в остальных замках Людовика II), никаких более приличных снимков сделать не получилось. Поэтому, чтобы дать чуть более полное представление о внутреннем убранстве дворца, хочется привести еще одну фотографию Зеркального зала, взятую из книги "Путеводитель по замкам", Fotoverlag HUBER:

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes.This is sample text, this is sample text, only intended for testing the template, this is sample text, only for testing purposes

