Golubev Alexander Main researcher, Doctor of Science, PhD Phone: +7(499) 789-61-00 e-mail: alexander.golubev@itep.ru
Kantsyrev Alexey Head of scientific department, PhD Phone: +7(499)789-61-00 e-mail: kantsyrev@itep.ru
Roudskoy Igor Leading researcher, PhD Phone: +7(499)789-66-89 e-mail: Igor.Roudskoy@itep.ru
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Drozdovskiy Alexander Senior scientific associate, PhD Phone: +7(499)789-62-04 e-mail:
Martemianov Alexander Senior scientific associate, PhD Phone: +7(499)789-64-91 e-mail: martemia@itep.ru
Visotskiy Sergey Senior scientific associate, PhD Phone: +7(499)789-67-37 e-mail: serg.visotski@itep.ru
Gavrilin Roman Scientific associate Phone: e-mail: roman_gavrilin@mail.ru
Bogdanov Anton Scientific associate Phone: e-mail: toshka87@list.ru
Ladygina Elena Leading engineer-programmer Phone: +7(499)789-67-93 e-mail: ElenaL10@yandex.ru
Panyushkin Vsevolod Scientific associate Phone: e-mail: panjushkin@hotnart.ru
Zuev Vladimir Engeener Phone: e-mail:
Yanenko Viktor Engineer-physicist Phone: e-mail:
Volkov Vasiliy Scientific associate Phone: e-mail: vasilyvolkov@list.ru
Drozdovskiy Stanislav Senior scientific associate, PhD Phone: e-mail: Stanislav.Drozdovsky@itep.ru
Kolesnikov Dmitry Junior researcher Phone: e-mail: dstorm1@mail.ru
Skobliakov Alexei Junior researcher Phone: e-mail: dinalt220@yandex.com
Khurchiev Aiush Junior researcher Phone: e-mail: ayuxa@inbox.ru